An effective stormwater backflow valve is a vital part of a stormwater management plan. It helps prevent water from backing up into your home or contaminating your water. These devices come in many different styles, but are typically installed near the home’s drain piping.
These devices are required in certain building codes. They prevent sewage from backing up into your house, or the city’s sewer system, and can help prevent illness. Some devices also self-close, depending on hydraulic conditions.
A backup in your plumbing is a serious problem that stormwater backflow valve can cost you a lot of money to clean up. It can also lead to health issues. It’s important to understand that a backup is not the only type of backflow. Some backflows can come from other sources, like a broken sewer line or overflow from a toilet in your apartment. However, the majority of backups are caused by a malfunctioning backwater valve. If you suspect you have a backup, contact a licensed plumber to inspect your property. Ask for references from other similar projects.
There are two types of backwater valves: manual and automatic. Each has its own installation requirements. The manual valve is operated manually by a user, which involves finding the valve’s access panel. These types of valves are typically 6 inches below the floor. You will need a permit from the municipality if you’re installing a new one.
Automatic backwater valves are equipped with a lift gate. This will allow the sewage to rise above the valve, but it will not allow it to come back into your home. A manual type will require that the homeowner elevate the pump, usually at the bottom of the stairs.
It is important to note that the manual type of valve is not self-sealing. If it fails, it will open to the atmosphere. It’s important to make sure your sewage trap is not connected to the sanitary sewer, which can back up downstream of your home.
A backwater valve is designed to be used sparingly. It should be checked on a regular basis, including cleaning the moving parts and debris. Most of these valves have easy-to-remove covers.
The main purpose of the backwater valve is to protect your family from potential health problems, particularly from sewage. Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to install one. Just make sure it’s the correct style for your property. If you want to install a device, talk to a licensed master plumber to discuss the specifics of your project. You can also get a list of pre-approved plumbers from your municipality.
The first step to installing a backwater valve is to locate the valve’s access panel. Then, you will need to plumbed your sewage system to the valve. If you are installing a manual type, you will need to elevate your sump pump and make sure the drain piping is in a suitable location for it. This may involve digging a hole in the floor.
It’s important to find the best plumber to install your backwater valve. Look for a certified plumber and ask to see references from other projects. You can also check your homeowner’s insurance policy for coverage.